The clean solution

School supplies for needy children: MEIKO helps out

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"One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world." Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzi knows what she is talking about. Her statement appears on the Bunte Münchner Kindl aid project website and expresses its central objective, which applies even in Germany, where children do not necessarily have the school supplies they need. Equal opportunity begins very early on in life, even when it comes to having the proper materials for the classroom.

The Munich initiative has thus set itself the goal of providing needy children with high-quality school materials. Petra Reiter – wife of the mayor of the Bavarian state capital – also acts as a patron of children and young people in the first to ninth grade. And many of them are in need. Over 1,800 pupils have already been provided with backpacks, pencil cases, etc. in cases where their parents are unable to do so. In addition, private persons can also contribute their share and take on a Backpack sponsorship . The connective link is formed by the teachers, who keep an eye on financial hardship among their students.

As is so often the case with civil society projects, success depends on the commitment of volunteers. Also in Munich. They process the requests, pack each bag by hand and take care of the delivery. But there is also the logistical problem of transport. This is where MEIKO comes in. As a company guided by values, Offenburg is also aware of its social responsibility. Fairness  is an integral part of the MEIKO value wheel, which is not limited to the company's workforce. On the contrary, fairness at MEIKO extends to a large number of charitable projects. These include small initiatives as well as large, long-term, one-off and international initiatives that join together to help out in the local neighbourhood. To help Bunte Münchner Kindl, MEIKO provides vehicles from its own fleet to transport school materials and donations to local schools. MEIKO says thank you for the passionate commitment of all those providing help.

Wie so oft bei zivilgesellschaftlichen Projekten steht und fällt der Erfolg mit dem Engagement von ehrenamtlichen Helferinnen und Helfern. Auch in München. Sie bearbeiten die Anfragen, packen jede Tasche von Hand und kümmern sich um die Übergabe. Bleibt das logistische Problem des Transports. Und hier kommt MEIKO ins Spiel. Als wertegeleitetes Unternehmen ist man sich in Offenburg auch der gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung bewusst. Fairness ist fester Bestandteil des MEIKO Werterads und endet nicht bei der eigenen Belegschaft, im Gegenteil: Fairness bei MEIKO umfasst eine Vielzahl karitativer Projekte. Dazu zählen kleine Initiativen ebenso wie große, langfristige genauso wie einmalige und internationale Initiativen gesellen sich zur Hilfe in der unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft. Für Bunte Münchner Kindl stellt MEIKO Fahrzeuge aus dem eigenen Fuhrpark zu Verfügung, um die Schulmaterialien und Spendenmittel an die Schulen vor Ort zu transportieren. MEIKO sagt danke für den leidenschaftlichen Einsatz aller Helferinnen und Helfer.